While working with web apps, you often need to go beyond Visual Studio debugger and see what’s actually being pushed through the wire. This post is a cumulative cheat sheet on how to set up network capturing for various protocols present in .net ecosystem:

  • REST, plain http
  • Entity Framework, plain SQL
  • WCF, regardless of protocol
  • WebServices, SOAP

REST, http

Suppose you’re using a poorly written client library for some REST service and it fails. You can use the following configuration snippet in your web/app.config to capture a lot of diagnostic info and maybe figure out a work-around:

<source name="System.Net" tracemode="protocolonly" maxdatasize="1024">
<add name="System.Net"/>
<source name="System.Net.Http">
<add name="System.Net"/>
<add name="System.Net" value="Information"/>
<add name="System.Net.Http" value="Information"/>
<add name="System.Net" type="System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener" initializeData="c:\temp\logs\network.log"/>
<trace autoflush="true"/>
System.Net Information: 0 : [13844] Current OS installation type is 'Client'.
System.Net Information: 0 : [13844] RAS supported: True
System.Net Information: 0 : [13844] Associating HttpWebRequest#16506093 with ServicePoint#7448163
System.Net Information: 0 : [13844] Associating Connection#51986349 with HttpWebRequest#16506093
System.Net Information: 0 : [13844] Connection#51986349 - Created connection from 10.XXX:8145 to 10.XXX:80.
System.Net Information: 0 : [13844] Associating HttpWebRequest#16506093 with ConnectStream#24590318
System.Net Information: 0 : [13844] HttpWebRequest#16506093 - Request: GET /api/v1/bXXX HTTP/1.1
System.Net Error: 0 : [13844] Exception in HttpWebRequest#16506093::GetResponse - The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized..

Entity Framework

Most useful EF single liner ever:

using(var context = new DbContext())
    context.Database.Log = x => Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(x);
    return context.Table.ToList();


Add the following configuration to start logging entire SOAP/whatever communication between endpoints (works for both client and server):

<source name="System.ServiceModel" switchValue="Information,ActivityTracing"
<add name="xml" />
<source name="System.ServiceModel.MessageLogging">
<add name="xml" />
<add initializeData="C:\\temp\\TracingAndLogging-service.svclog" type="System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener"
name="xml" />
<trace autoflush="true" />

<diagnostics wmiProviderEnabled="true">

The result file will be large and not exactly human-readable, but there’s Microsoft Windows SDK tool, called SvcTraceViewer.exe which makes it much easier to read. If you have Visual Studio installed, you will probably find this tool in:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Bin\

ASMX Webservices

Tracing ASMX communication requires both coding and configuration. You need to add the following class into your project:

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Web.Services.Protocols;
using System.Xml;

public class SoapTracingExtension : SoapExtension
    private string filename;

    private Stream newStream;

    private Stream oldStream;

    public override Stream ChainStream(Stream stream)
        this.oldStream = stream;
        this.newStream = new MemoryStream();
        return this.newStream;

    public override object GetInitializer(LogicalMethodInfo methodInfo, SoapExtensionAttribute attribute)
        return null;

    public override object GetInitializer(Type webServiceType)
        return null;

    public override void Initialize(object initializer)
        this.filename = "c:\\log.txt";

    public override void ProcessMessage(SoapMessage message)
        switch (message.Stage)
            case SoapMessageStage.BeforeSerialize:
            case SoapMessageStage.AfterSerialize:
            case SoapMessageStage.BeforeDeserialize:
            case SoapMessageStage.AfterDeserialize:
            if (message.Action == "urn:completeOrderWithOrderId")
                message.Exception = new SoapException("Timeout", new XmlQualifiedName("Timeout"));

            throw new Exception("invalidstage");

    public void WriteInput(SoapMessage message)
        this.Copy(this.oldStream, this.newStream);
        using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(this.filename, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write))
        using (StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(fs))
            string soapString = (message is SoapServerMessage) ? "SoapRequest" : "SoapResponse";
            this.newStream.Position = 0;
            this.Copy(this.newStream, fs);
            this.newStream.Position = 0;

    public void WriteOutput(SoapMessage message)
        this.newStream.Position = 0;
        using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(this.filename, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write))
        using (StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(fs))
            string soapString = (message is SoapServerMessage) ? "SoapResponse" : "SoapRequest";
            this.Copy(this.newStream, fs);
            this.newStream.Position = 0;
            this.Copy(this.newStream, this.oldStream);

    private void Copy(Stream from, Stream to)
        using (TextReader reader = new StreamReader(from))
        using (TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(to))

With that code in place, add the following into app/web.config:

<add type="Proper.Namespace.SoapTracingExtension, Proper.Namespace" priority="1" group="0" />